Monday, May 11, 2009

I know, I know!

Okay, so I know that's it's been, like, a million years since the last time I posted, but it's going to be another million before the next time, too. I'm just spending too much time with too many diverse projects to be able to spend any time potificating in writing on said projects -- as if there were any interest in that by the two people who have ever even read my blog in the first place.

So, now that said, I have to go and get back to what I was doing: posting another blog for the purpose of providing a venue to debut an introductory video of myself for a class. See? I told you it was amazing and exciting stuff that I've been up to. What's that? I didn't tell you? Well, you're not real, anyway, so what does it matter?

Bah. I'll get back to blogging here, at my favorite, most personal spot, at some point before another month has passed. I hope. Yes, I will. Maybe. No, no... really, I'll do a real post on something soon. Hopefully.

Oh! I went and saw the new Star Trek movie last night and I have to say that I was pleasantly suprised. I had my reservations going in, so this movie had to prove itself to me. While I don't think that Spock is slender or spocky enough, the Cap'n surely did his character studies on Shatner's Kirk and got it down pat! Very nicely done, and I really like Scotty, too. Bones also did a great job acting the part, even if the actor's physical characteristics were much larger than Deforrest Kelly. All in all, a rollicking adventure filled with writing that employed our favorite catch phrases ("I'm a doctor, not a physicist!","Fascinating."). It was a feel-good movie that I definitely think did justice to the Star Trek legacy. And I hope they do more.

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