That said, check this out. I just got LASIK surgery two days ago. Today's Saturday and I had it Thursday morning. Gotta say, the surgery was a cinch. The recovery sucks big, hairy, stinky, non-hygienic... things. Chode, really. Blows chunks and every other euphemism for general suckedness. Hey, yeah, I'm totally functional -- and bored because I feel like I want to rub my eyes out and I can't freakin' see anything in front of me. I'm not a big TV watcher, but I've watched a lot through my dorky goggles (high risk of infection due to having pets, so have these protective goggles).
Anyway, I guess I'm not going to go on too much more, maybe later. Just wanted to regale everyone with my bitching about how much I had no idea how much recovery from this commonplace surgery sucks. Basically, I don't know if this is worth it since I pretty much did it for the sake of vanity (okay, and convenience -- it was because my glassess fell off during a concert last summer and there I was crawling around on the ground, in the dark, under people's dancing feet feeling around for my glasses, which I couldn't see to find -- decided then and there that I wanted to get my eyes fixed. But obviously, I'm more beautiful, already, eh? Here I am:
May y'all live long and prosper -- and may my eyes heal faster! (And of course, since I have panic disorder, I'm totally obsessing on how it's not instantaneously perfect and terrified that something is going to go horribly awry -- believe me, in the informed consent information, some really gnarly stuff could happen, but here I had to go and insist that I wasn't going to let my life be ruled by fear...)
Great forum! I recently ran into The Patients Advantage when looking for a Lasik surgeon. They have a great way to find the best surgeons and it is completely free. Check them out (